Cut the grass or pay the fine...
thanks for the offer "City".
Who is the feoffee?
feoffee - to uses. A person to whom land is conveyed for the use of a third party (called a cestui que use); one who holds legal title to land for the benefit of another. See CESTUI QUE USE; GRANT TO USES. Cf. TRUSTEE (1).
Where is the Trustee when you need them?
Trust is a great solution in this situation, one which we can get right down to pulling out the weeds and offer up our settlement of the claim. Not to create a controversy and argue their codes and City Ordinances, but to settle, whereby Trustee has duty to settle for the estate/trust we are here as tenants on their land, and taking care of God's land.
Legal Title is held in trust for the benefit of the State,
until such times that the Trust is re-expressed for the benefit of another party, i.e. your ALL CAP Estate/Trust beneficiaries, and in the name of God Almighty.
Legal Title is held in trust for the benefit of the State,
until such times that the Trust is re-expressed for the benefit of another party, i.e. your ALL CAP Estate/Trust beneficiaries, and in the name of God Almighty.
What we are here to do is find solutions.
Post your comments to the solution and happy gardening.
peace and love to you all!
-Captain jade
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